Home » Liquid funds vs fixed deposits: Which is a better investment option?

Liquid funds vs fixed deposits: Which is a better investment option?

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Liquid funds vs fixed deposits: Which is a better investment option?

Fixed deposits are quite popular for parking idle funds since they offer guaranteed interest earnings and growth. However, if you are looking for bigger returns than fixed deposits, liquid funds can be a viable option. Choosing between liquid funds and fixed deposits require a detailed understanding of how they work and whether they meet your financial objectives. Read on to explore the intricacies surrounding fixed deposits and liquid funds, shedding light on their features, differences, and considerations.

Understanding fixed deposits and liquid funds

Fixed deposits are probably one of the oldest and most trusted investment instruments in India that offers financial stability and security. In these investment types, investors’ park a lump sum amount with a bank or financial institution for a predetermined tenure and earning a fixed interest rate over the agreed period. This low-risk investment option often appeals to those who prioritise capital preservation and a guaranteed return.

On the flip side, liquid funds represent a more dynamic investment. Falling under the debt type of mutual funds, these funds channelise investments into short-term market instruments like treasury bills, certificates of deposit, and commercial paper. The primary objective is capital preservation while providing superior liquidity and returns that allows investors to redeem their units swiftly.

Key differences between fixed deposits and liquid funds:

  1. Return Dynamics: Fixed deposits offer a fixed interest rate throughout the tenure, ensuring a predetermined return on investment. In contrast, liquid funds provide returns based on prevailing market conditions, potentially offering higher returns but subject to market fluctuations.
  2. Liquidity: While fixed deposits are known for their locked-in nature, liquid funds, as their suggests, offers high liquidity. Investors can redeem their units at any time, making them an attractive option for those who need quick access to funds.
  3. Risk Profile: Fixed deposits, with their assured returns, are perceived as low-risk investments. Conversely, liquid funds, though considered relatively low risk in the mutual funds spectrum, are not entirely immune to market fluctuations.

How to choose between a fixed deposit and liquid fund?

The choice of investment broadly depends on your investment goals and the characteristics of each option. If stability and a fixed return are important to you, fixed deposits provide a secure haven. On the other hand, if you seek a balance between returns and liquidity, liquid funds offer flexibility, especially for short-term financial goals.

Consider your risk appetite and investment horizon. Fixed deposits suit conservative investors with a long-term outlook, while Liquid funds cater to those comfortable with mild market risks and in need of short-term liquidity.

Who should invest in liquid funds?

Investing in liquid funds is particularly advantageous for individuals seeking for flexibility and a short investment horizon. Individuals looking for an alternative to traditional savings accounts can benefit from the superior liquidity and potentially higher returns that liquid funds provide. Moreover, the ability to invest in mutual funds online enhances the convenience factor, making it an attractive proposition for investors.


Choosing between fixed deposits and liquid funds is not one-size-fits-all. Your decision should be a well-informed based on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. The benefits of investing in liquid funds offers a strategic move towards a balanced and dynamic investment portfolio.

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